Athena: Progress Update

Oi vey! I’ve finished 5 episodes of Athena, which is about 1/4 of the drama, and I’m going to postpone further watching of it indefinitely or scratch it off my to-watch/finish list altogether because in short, Athena… is not a good show, and that’s putting mildly. Originally, I was thinking of writing a post on Athena, categorizing my thoughts into “The Good, The Bad, and The WTH?!” to pay homage to Jung Woo Sung’s movie. Although I haven’t seen The Good, The Bad, and The Weird, I’ve heard nothing but good things about it but when Athena was going downhill for me, I quickly canned that idea because I didn’t want to associate the movie’s good name with this crappy drama. Now, you might say, “Well, you’ve only seen 5 episodes. Isn’t that too soon to judge a drama’s quality?” And I might agree with you and be optimist, thinking, “Who knows, it might get better later on…” However, based on what I’ve watched thus far and read about later episodes, sadly, it doesn’t look promising.

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Adieu… (updated)

to horrendous hairstyles? One can only hope.

I was doing my usual web surfing when I came across a video clip of Bi’s performance for his Adieu! 2010 concert. At a distance, the man looks like he still has what it takes to rock the stage and deliver an entertaining show. However, the up-close view puzzled me.

Dear Bi,

I just want you to know that ramen is supposed to be eaten, not worn on your head like a bad wig you… have a cute smile.


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